How-to Guide: Recruit and Retain Strong Volunteers

Clickable Table of Contents: Introduction Recruitment Recruitment Targeting Methods Best Practices: Making A Strong Recruitment Ask Volunteer Retention Confirmation Calls Training Community Building & Developing Leaders Introduction Bonded, organically-growing, diverse teams are best-suited to scaling and sustaining the kind of quality work that makes a real impact on a close race. There is no shortcut […]

Special Election Phonebank Recruitment with Sister District NYC

Calling for: Harold “Howie” Hayes Date: Saturday 3/14/20 Time: 3-5 pm Attendees: 10 Training time: 15 mins Call time: 105 mins Total dials: 621 + Monday 3/16 = 5 people, 204 calls, 26 convos + Tuesday 3/17 = 3 people, 84 calls, 22 convos What were your steps to put the party together? We scrambled. […]