October 2020 Talking Points

Current News Trump’s COVID-19 Diagnosis The Trumps have tested positive for coronavirus, throwing even more upheaval into the 2020 election. In terms of public messaging, this can feel like an uncertain arena for progressives. We recommend following three simple guidelines: Do not celebrate the President or First Lady’s sickness; this only invalidates other peoples’ suffering […]

July 2020 Talking Points

Current candidates and Sister District news: $500k in Candidate Donations! Thanks to all of YOUR hard work, the Sister District community has now raised over half a million dollars for our candidates this year. We encourage you to share the good news along with a link to donate to your candidates! Suggested post: The Sister […]

June 2020 Talking Points

This is a particularly important time to make sure we are communicating about current events, and the history that has brought us here, in a way that actively contributes to dismantling white supremacy.  The following guidance is intended to help Sister District volunteer leaders navigate email, social media, and other communications in a way that […]

May 2020 Talking Points

Messaging and suggested social media posts about Sister District candidates, alumni, and volunteers; and other important state legislature news.