Conducting Fair and Safe Elections this November

Democracy works best when all eligible voters participate. Yet election rules vary widely from state to state, making it much harder to vote in some states than others. These differences are more significant now than ever, as we prepare to conduct the most important election of our lifetimes during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

SDAN+VPC VR Voting Pipeline Postcard Study

A board that reads Voting Day next to I voted stickers

We ran a randomized controlled trial to determine: 1) if people who received a handwritten postcard encouraging voter registration, along with an official voter registration form from Voter Participation Center (VPC), in our March and Sept 2018 studies had higher odds of turning out to vote in the November 2018 general election; and 2) if the effect of those postcards differed based on whether or not those targets had returned the registration form sent to them by VPC earlier in the year.

Voter Registration Postcarding 2: A Replication with VPC + SDAN

A pile of handwritten postcards

We ran a randomized controlled trial to determine if the receipt of a handwritten postcard a week after the receipt of an official voter registration form increased the odds of people completing & returning the voter registration form, as compared to the odds of return among people who did not receive a postcard.