Phone Calls Boost Event Attendance!

Learn how Sister District Sonoma County East has reached out to all current members, increased participation by 25% at ZOOM chapter meetings, and refined our data to help identify specific volunteer interests.

Why States Matter: Pennsylvania 2020

Why Are States So Important? Focus On: Pennsylvania 2020, or Why Things May Be About to Get Better in One of the Country’s Worst-Gerrymandered States (Hint: Voters.)

New Phonebanker Says: This Works!

Campaigns need phonebankers more than any other kind of help this year (besides money). So I’ve committed to making 60 calls every Sunday from now until the election. Here’s my report.

Dealing with Trolls and Bots on Social Media

Close-up of a green toy metal robot

In a presidential election year, online trolls and bots are more active than ever. But, you can follow these simple steps to identify and respond to them on your social media platforms.

Reach Out and Touch Someone (by Phone)

Our phone contact rate is up nearly 50% from the average for all of last year. The high contact rate tells us something about this moment: volunteers want to connect.