Code of Conduct

Thank you for joining the Sister District community!

As a member of our community, you are committing to being respectful, creating a safe environment, and taking personal responsibility with your behavior and actions.

This Code of Conduct is not an exhaustive list of things you can and cannot do.  Rather, these are guidelines to ensure that all our members feel welcome and that Sister District maintains its reputation for integrity and dignity both within and outside our organization.  When in doubt, please adhere to the spirit of the Code of Conduct and err on the side of kindness.

Attendance at Events

  • The taking, recording, publication, distribution, or other use of photography or audio/video media at Sister District events is strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of Sister District.  Failure to abide by this rule will result in your permanent exclusion from the Sister District mailing list, events, and all other remedies allowed by law.


  • Treat all people with dignity and value.  This applies to people both within and outside of Sister District.  Please remember you are representing your candidate, The Sister District Project and yourself with your words and actions.  If a conflict arises, try killing with kindness.
  • Do not discriminate.  This includes not discriminating on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity/gender expression, cultural background, language or dialect, appearance, education, marital or partnership status, veteran status, socioeconomic status, political views and/or ability.  We are striving to create an environment where all people are welcome and included.
  • Do not engage in any form of power abuse, harassment or sexual harassment.  This includes refraining from posting or sharing any sexually suggestive, lewd, or derogatory content online.


  • Create environments free from violence, coercion, entrapment, force and/or the threat of force.  This includes avoiding abusive, profane and/or derogatory language and disruptive behavior that is dangerous to others or yourself.
  • Follow public laws.  This includes being aware of the laws of the state you are in, should you travel as a volunteer or representative of Sister District.

Personal Responsibility 

  • Be dependable.   Only commit to volunteer assignments consistent with your time availability, and fulfill your commitments to the best of your abilities. If you are unable to fulfill your volunteer duties, let your contact at the Sister District Project know as soon as possible.
  • Be respectful on social media.   This includes adhering to all the values articulated in this Code of Conduct when posting on social media. It also includes: (1) only posting photos and videos if you have the express consent of everyone identifiable in those images, and (2) refraining from promoting your non-SDP products or services in SDP groups.
  • Do not share personal information about voters, the candidate or other volunteers outside the campaign or the Sister District Project without their express consent.  
  • Do not speak on behalf of Sister District HQ or your candidate to the media without the express permission of either Sister District HQ or the candidate, respectively. You may of course talk about what Sister District stands for in accordance with information on the website and official communications, what your own team is doing, and which candidates you are supporting and why.
  • Avoid using, possessing or being under the influence of alcohol, marijuana or illegal drugs while volunteering.

To report harassment, threats, or any other violation of the Code of Conduct, please contact an organizer directly, or info [at]

If a participant is found to have engaged in harassing or threatening behavior, or not complying with any other aspect of the Code of Conduct, organizers may take any action they deem appropriate, including warning the offender or excluding him or her from participation in Sister District.

Thank you for agreeing to adhere to the Code of Conduct. We are thrilled to have you as a member of our organization and we look forward to working with you to change the world!